
ChatGPT was a terrible trademark choice

ChatGPT is an incredible new tool. However, from a trademark point of view it is a terrible mistake as its name consists of the name of the technology other products use and does not constitute an actual trademark name or brand.


AI and Copyright: Navigating the New Frontiers of Creative Rights

Explore the complexities of copyright law as it intersects with AI-generated content. From who owns AI-created art to the challenges and legal implications, this article delves into how copyright protects—or doesn't—artificial intelligence creations.


Trademark registration in the Isle of Man

If you have questions about how to register your trademark in the Isle of Man, we can solve them. Trust the iGERENT team to protect your brand


Free Trademark Search

Discover our Free Trademark Search service and understand why it is a good idea to order one before registering your trademark anywhere.


The importance of your web domain in all aspects of your business

One of the most important parts of your brand from an online marketing point of view is having a good domain for your website. And yet, there are still many people who do not understand exactly what it is or what it means to have your own domain.


How to Register your Blog Name

If you have a successful blog, registering your blog name as a trademark can be a critical step in protecting your business and your assets! We can help you register your blog name as a trademark easily!


Trademark domain names - a necessary step to protect you business

Trademarks serve to identify the product or service a company offers. Domain names are the web addresses that companies use for clients to access their web sites.


Rebranding: When it’s necessary to abandon your Trademark

Usually, filing for a trademark renewal is actually a pretty simple process. You must meet the deadlines and pay the corresponding fees, and then you’re good to go.


The importance of Trademarks for Football Clubs and Players

We explore the importance of intellectual property and trademarks in the soccer industry. We analyze past experiences of individuals and teams within this community.


What Can and Cannot be Trademarked?

We take a look at what can be registered as a trademark and especially what cannot be registered. What are the criteria for rejecting a trademark application?


Don’t Feed the Patent Trolls - Intellectual Property

Patent trolls are companies that focus on holding and buying patents as a way to gain money from small or medium companies through abusive patent infringement claims. We detail their practices and the different types that exist.


The Business Benefits of Registering Sound Trademarks

Sound trademarks are part of the category called "non-conventional trademarks". Though they may be difficult to register, they are an essential branding tool and as such should not be neglected by brand owners. We tell you why.


What are the Rights Related to a Trademark?

We explore what rights a registered trademark grants to its rightful owner and how they can help protect you from trademark infringement.


The History of Trademarks all around the World

We look into the history of trademarks: when did they appear, become legal assets, and what are the oldest trademarks in history?


Avoid Trademark Scams and Frauds!

Trademark scams and frauds are an increasing problem. At iGERENT we can assist you in recognizing when you may be a victim of one of these actions.


The registration of hashtag trademarks #

Hashtags commonly used in trademarks. From their initial use in social media they are know a key factor for many brands and subject of trademarks.


Protecting your intellectual property in the fashion industry

We analyze common problems faced by new entrepreneurs in relation to the protection of their designs and intellectual property in the fashion industry in Asia.


Trademark Registration in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries

Registering your trademark in Gulf Cooperation Council countries is essential if you are doing business in the Middle East. We tell you how you can do so!


Series trademarks – What are they and what are they useful for?

Practically every country in the word allows one to register trademarks in order to protect the name or design they use to promote their goods or services.


What is an industrial design and why should you register yours?

The main purpose of a design is to make a product attractive and draw the attention of customers. So, there are some benefits of registering an industrial design.


The Difference Between Trademark and Copyright

To protect your property, knowing the difference between laws is important. Click here to know the difference of trademark and copyright.


Do you know which brands we remember most easily?

Can you bring to mind the image of a brand from your memory even if you’re not a paying customer? Consumers tend to remember certain famous logos, even if they have no connection with that brand.


Retailer Brand Vs Own-Brand

When you need to make a purchase in the supermarket you can opt for a white label or a commercial brand, do you know the differences?


Is it possible to patent an invention before it is marketed?

Is it possible to patent an invention before it is marketed? If you don't protect your invention before you commercialize it, you are exposed to a lot of risk.


Our Christmas Holiday Trademark Tips

Christmas is just around the corner! Many companies take it as far as capitalizing on specific holidays to upbring their sales through the roof.


How to Apply for a Trademark in the US

Applying for a trademark is an intricate process but knowing what to do makes it much easier. Here's our step by step guide on how to apply for a trademark.


UK and Commonwealth Trademarks

Information about each country’s system is available from the UK IPO’s website, but for your convenience we have sorted them here according to how trademarks are registered in each jurisdiction.


What Is Cybersquatting and How Can It Affect A Trademark?

Cybersquatting can affect your business and your trademark. Do you know how and how to avoid it?


Do I have to register my trademark?

“Do I have to register my trademark” is usually one of the first questions that someone embarking on the journey to trademark registration will ask.


Do I Need a Trademark? 10 Things You Should Know

Whether you’re starting a business, expanding your product line or rebranding, you need to know these 10 things.


Tips about Trademark Protection on Social Media

Protecting your trademark on social media is possible. You only need to know how. Let's to help you with your trademark protection on social media.


Why Do a Trademark Search?

A trademark search allows you to know beforehand the probabilities a trademark has of being successfully registered.


An Overview of the Madrid System for International Trademarks

The Trademark Madrid System for multinational trademark applications aims at facilitating the process of trademark registration in a large number of countries.


Colors in trademarks - To claim or not claim

Registering to protect one’s trademark is a must for any business. But, should I claim color and how should I submit the image of my trademark?


Determining Who Should Be the Owner for Your Trademark

If you're thinking about registering your trademark you need to decide who the trademark owner should be.


How to protect your trademark in Google Ads

You should know how to use a trademark in Google Ads, and how to protect yours.


Registered trademark symbols: Types, differences and uses

You can learn how to write and use the Trademark™, Registered Trademark ® and Copyright© with this post.


Patent vs Trademark: What's the Difference?

There are many differences between patents and trademarks. Do you know them? Let us help you!


Trademarks and Amazon’s Brand Registry

In order to enroll with the Amazon Brand Registry, you will need to register the trademark you are using on Amazon. We will tell you how.


Choosing the filing basis for a US trademark

What are the filing bases and how to choose a filing basis for your trademark application in the USA to get a registered trademark in the USA.


Trademark Priority: Should I Claim it?

We're talking today about trademark priority and when you have to claim it for your registered trademark.


Watch out for Trademark Spammers and Frauds

This article seeks to raise awareness about trademark spam sent by email and how to stop all the spammer emails.


Domain Name Disputes

Services for domain name disputes, recovery of domain name cybersquatters and defending a domain name from reverse cybersquatting or reverse domain hijacking.


Copyright Basics

What is a copyright or author's rights and how do you obtain one? We detail the process and the rights granted.


Industrial Designs Basics

Everything you need to know about industrial designs! Learn how to protect your product and design.


Registered Trademarks in Daily Language

Everyday you say some words that are generic trademarks, but we use it as names in daily language. Do you know some example?


How to manage my trademark rights

Once your trademark is registered, you will need to manage your rights and make sure your trademark ownership is up to date. Here is how.


Trademarks Areas of Special Sovereignty

The following list includes countries (trademarks areas) and their territorial dependencies in which trademarks are automatically recognized when registered.


Describing the Goods and Services Associated with a Trademark

Understanding the nice classification and the importance of providing an accurate description of goods and services when filing a trademark.


A guide to trademark objections and oppositions

What are objections, oppositions, cancellation or invalidity actions for trademarks and what to do if you receive one.


Geographical limitations of registered trademark

Trademark validity means that having your trademark registered in one country does not prevent others from registering the exact same trademark in other countries.


What to do after a trademark is filed

Once a trademark application has been filed, what is the process like? What are you allowed to do?


Trademarks in China: Strategies to Overcome Challenges

This article provides recommendations and information about how to register a foreign trademark in China, Hong Kong and Macau.


The trademark registration process

We take a look at the process for registering a trademark and what we need to consider before proceeding with the application.


Tips To Avoid Common Mistakes When Choosing Your Trademark

Recommendations on what should be considered when choosing a trademark and how to choose it in order to avoid common pitfalls.


International Trademark Rights

We explore what international rights a registered trademark grants and how to obtain them.


What is the Nice classification system?

Trademarks are registered using the Nice classification system. We look into trademark classes and how to determine which one is appropriate for your trademark.


What is a Trademark and How to Get One

Learn what a trademark is and how to get one for yourself. We explore the different forms a trademark can take.


iGERENT - Global IP Services

iGERENT - Offering international trademark services worldwide: trademark registration services, trademark application services, trademark study services, brand protection services, brand services.