iGERENT: Excellence in Global Intellectual Property Services
"In the old days, you would have one lawyer to handle everything: speeding tickets, buying a house, contracts, litigation, real estate, copyrights, leasing, entertainment, intellectual property, forensic accounting, criminal offenses... the list goes on. Now, you have to have a separate lawyer for each one of those categories!"
Actor – James Belushi_1_
We are not a jack of all trades, but experts of one.
Most of us at iGERENT℠ are not particularly fond of James Belushi as an actor, although for the most part we all agree that “Taking Care of Business” was an incredible movie. We decided to use his quote as this is fairly accurate regarding legal services.
Add up the different legal matters you as a business owner require, then multiply them by the international expansion needs of your business - this exponentially augments your need for local experts who can truly deliver. Just communicating and keeping up to date with each service provider would require a great deal of time, and therefore money. Bear in mind that every country has different requirements, language barriers, process time frames, etc.
We at iGERENT may not be able to provide you with a one-stop solution for all your legal needs, as we are not a jack of all trades business, but there is one trade that we are experts of: Intellectual Property.
Our team will be able to help you with virtually any IP related service in most jurisdictions of the world. Instead of entrusting the management of your trademark portfolio to local attorneys you have never had any real contact with (or going through extremely expensive law firms that in most cases just delegate more than manage), we are here to help, providing you with cost effective solutions to your intellectual property needs.
Regardless of language barriers, time zones, and the numerous local requirements in your countries of interest, one of our consultants will handle everything. This includes keeping you duly informed of all notifications, billing issues, recommendations and the advances of local attorneys, all while making sure all processes are being handled accordingly. Your iGERENT consultant will communicate with you in English, Spanish or French, depending on your preference. You will be able to revise the status of your different services or processes either by contacting us or by logging into your online account where all the deadlines and updates of your various processes and documents will be available at any time. Take a look around our website, shoot us an email or give us a call - we are here to help.
Via |"James Belushi." BrainyQuote.com