
ChatGPT - Genius technology, terrible trademark choice

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a conversational AI model developed by OpenAI, leveraging advanced machine learning techniques to generate human-like responses in dialogue form. It is part of the broader family of Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) that have revolutionized natural language processing (NLP) by providing sophisticated language understanding and generation capabilities. ChatGPT is designed to interact with users in a conversational manner, answering questions, providing information, and engaging in dialogue on a wide range of topics.

What does GPT Stand For?

GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. This term encapsulates the core functionalities and design philosophy behind the model:

  • Generative: This refers to the model's ability to generate text. GPT models can create coherent and contextually appropriate sentences, paragraphs, and even entire articles based on the input they receive. This generative capability is fundamental to their use in applications like chatbots, content creation, and more.

  • Pre-trained: Before being fine-tuned for specific tasks, GPT models undergo a pre-training phase where they are exposed to vast amounts of text data. During this phase, the model learns the statistical properties of language, including grammar, semantics, and factual knowledge about the world. This pre-training is crucial because it provides the foundational knowledge that the model later uses to generate text.

  • Transformer: The transformer architecture, introduced by Vaswani et al. in 2017, is the backbone of GPT models. Unlike previous models like Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTMs), transformers use a mechanism called self-attention to process input data. This allows transformers to handle long-range dependencies and understand context more effectively, making them particularly well-suited for NLP tasks.

What does Chat Stand For?

In the context of ChatGPT, "chat" refers to the interactive and conversational nature of the AI system. Here's a detailed breakdown:

  • Chat: The term "chat" in ChatGPT signifies the model's primary function of engaging in dialogue with users. Unlike traditional information retrieval systems, which simply fetch relevant documents or data based on queries, chat systems are designed to mimic human conversation. They provide responses that are contextually relevant and coherent, enabling a more natural and intuitive interaction between the user and the AI.

Chat in light of ChatGPT entails Conversational AI. This broader category encompasses technologies that facilitate natural language interactions between humans and machines. ChatGPT is a prime example of conversational AI, capable of understanding user input, maintaining context, and generating appropriate responses in real-time.

Understanding Trademarks and Their Requirements in light of ChatGPT

What are Trademarks?

A trademark is a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others. Trademarks can be symbols, words, phrases, logos, or a combination thereof. They serve several critical purposes:

  • Brand Identification: Trademarks help consumers distinguish between different products and services in the market, associating specific qualities and characteristics with a particular brand.

  • Legal Protection: Registering a trademark gives the owner exclusive rights to use the mark in connection with the products or services for which it is registered. This protection helps prevent unauthorized use of the mark by competitors.

  • Business Asset: Trademarks can become valuable business assets, contributing to brand reputation and loyalty. Strong trademarks can significantly enhance a company's market position and value.

General Requirements for Trademarks to be Registrable

To be registered, a trademark must meet several key criteria:

  1. Distinctiveness: The trademark must be capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one entity from those of others. It should not be generic or merely descriptive of the product or service.

  2. Non-Confusing: The trademark must not be too similar to existing registered trademarks. It should not cause confusion among consumers about the source of the goods or services.

  3. Non-Descriptive: Trademarks that are merely descriptive of the goods or services they represent are generally not registrable. For example, a company selling apples cannot trademark the term "Apple" for their apple products.

  4. Non-Deceptive: The trademark should not be misleading or deceptive about the nature, quality, or geographical origin of the goods or services.

The Generic Nature of ChatGPT as a Trademark

Why ChatGPT is Generic

  • Descriptive Nature: The name ChatGPT directly describes the functionality of the system—chatting (interacting conversationally) using a GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model. Descriptive names are considered generic because they simply describe the product or service without indicating a unique source or origin.

  • Industry Standards: In the tech industry, particularly in AI and NLP, terms like "chat" and "GPT" are widely used. "Chat" is a common descriptor for conversational interfaces, and "GPT" refers specifically to a type of transformer model developed by OpenAI. The combination of these terms does not create a unique identifier but rather describes a category of AI models used for conversational purposes.

  • Common Usage: Both "chat" and "GPT" are used extensively by various entities within the industry. Numerous AI and tech companies employ GPT models for creating chatbots and other conversational agents. Allowing a trademark on the term ChatGPT could lead to unfair advantages and restrict the descriptive use of these terms by others in the industry.

Why ChatGPT Should Not Be Allowed Registration

  • Lack of Distinctiveness: For a trademark to be registered, it must be distinctive. This means it should be able to identify the goods or services of one entity and distinguish them from those of others. ChatGPT, being a combination of common industry terms, lacks the distinctiveness required for trademark protection.

  • Consumer Confusion: If ChatGPT were allowed registration, it could potentially lead to consumer confusion. Users might mistakenly believe that all products or services using GPT for chat functionalities are associated with OpenAI, even when they are not. This can mislead consumers and create an unfair market advantage.

  • Restricting Industry Use: Granting trademark protection to ChatGPT would restrict other companies from using descriptive terms that accurately describe their own products. This would stifle innovation and competition in the AI and tech industry, as other entities might be deterred from developing or marketing their own GPT-based conversational agents due to potential legal challenges.

Existing Systems and Software with Chat Bots and GPT Technology

The landscape of AI and conversational agents is vast, with numerous systems and software leveraging chatbots and GPT technology. Here are a few notable examples of other similar trademarks that are basically ChatGPT products:

  1. Microsoft Azure Bot Service
  2. Google Dialogflow
  3. IBM Watson Assistant
  4. Amazon Lex
  5. Facebook

Recommendation for OpenAI: Rebrand ChatGPT

To fully capitalize on the potential of their conversational AI technology and secure trademark protection, OpenAI should consider rebranding ChatGPT. A new brand name should meet the following criterias:

Distinctiveness: The name should be unique and not merely descriptive of the product’s functionality. It should be creative and memorable, standing out from other AI and chatbot technologies in the market.

Brand Identity: The new name should reflect the core values and capabilities of the technology, aligning with OpenAI's mission and vision. It should evoke the sophistication, intelligence, and innovation that ChatGPT represents.

Trademark Eligibility: The name should be eligible for trademark registration, ensuring that OpenAI can protect its intellectual property and build a strong, legally defensible brand. This involves avoiding generic or overly descriptive terms and conducting thorough trademark searches to avoid conflicts with existing brands.

Market Positioning: A well-chosen brand name can help position the product more effectively in the market, attracting users and differentiating it from competitors. It should convey the advanced technological capabilities and user benefits of the conversational AI.

Steps for Rebranding:

Brainstorming and Creativity: Engage a diverse team to brainstorm potential names, considering linguistic, cultural, and industry factors. Aim for names that are evocative, meaningful, and easy to pronounce.

Trademark Search and Legal Checks: Conduct comprehensive trademark searches and legal evaluations to ensure the chosen name is available and does not infringe on existing trademarks.

Market Testing: Test the shortlisted names with target audiences to gauge their reactions and preferences. This can help ensure the new name resonates well and conveys the desired message.

Launch Strategy: Plan a strategic launch for the new brand name, including updating all marketing materials, websites, and documentation. Communicate the rebranding clearly to existing users and the broader market.


By rebranding ChatGPT to a more distinctive and trademark-eligible name, OpenAI can strengthen its market presence, protect its intellectual property, and continue to lead the field of conversational AI with a strong, recognizable brand.

At the moment this article was written Opan AI is in process of registering ChatGPT in the USA through the USPTO. The trademark has been initially refused by the trademark authority. Opan AI may choose to file a request for reconsideration; and/or present an appeal to the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.