Trademark Registration in the United Kingdom

Protect your business by registering your brands officially with the local trademark office of United Kingdom. Once registered, you can enforce your legal rights over the trademark and prevent others from using it in United Kingdom.

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Trademark Search in the United Kingdom

Carry out a pre registration trademark search before the trademark office of the United Kingdom to determine the chances of registering your trademark in the United Kingdom before filing the trademark application. Receive an expert's advice!
FromUS$ 100

All fees included

Trademark Registration in the United Kingdom

Register your trademark in the United Kingdom. Use our online form to place your order and have a local attorney file a trademark application in the United Kingdom. Protecting your trademark starts here!
FromUS$ 500

All fees included

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Trademark Prices in the United Kingdom

Search prices

First class $100 - Each additional class $80

Application prices

First class $500 - Each additional class $250

How long does it take for a trademark to register in the United Kingdom?

The average application process takes 4 months.

This is an estimated process time for straightforward cases based on current timeframes for applications. It may vary considerably.

What documents are needed to register a trademark in the United Kingdom?

No documents are necessary.

Why and How to Register a Trademark in United Kingdom

Trademark protection in the United Kingdom must be obtained by registering through the United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) directly.

The United Kingdom is a “first-to-file” jurisdiction. The rights to a trademark are granted to the first person to file it, not the first person to use it. Exceptions to this rule exist as in the case of well known trademarks or trademarks filed in bad faith.

Trademark rights are only granted if the trademark is effectively registered.

Foreign entities and persons can be trademark owners in the United Kingdom. Foreign holders of trademarks will need to be represented by a trademark attorney or law firm of the United Kingdom.

A registered trademark in the United Kingdom will be valid in all its territory. This includes England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT).

Trademarks registered in the European Union after the January 1st 2021 are no longer valid in the United Kingdom.

Trademarks that were registered in the European Union prior to BREXIT are protected in the UK. In this case the trademarks are granted a comparable trademark by the UK trademark office. The comparable trademarks are independent to the EU trademarks. Any change to this trademark will have to be processed directly through IPO UK.

Trademark search United Kingdom

Carrying out a trademark search in UK before proceeding is recommended. Our search services are carried out by UK trademark specialists. Our attorneys will check if there are any similar marks for the goods or services included in the trademark.

Our search does not only consider results that appear in the United Kingdom trademark database.

A trademark will be refused if it includes the image of a crown or images of members of the Royal family. Other reasons for refusal exist and will be considered by our trademark experts when conducting the trademark search.

Our trademark search includes a full analysis of the trademark. Trademark analysis is done in the same way it would be carried out by an examiner of the UK IPO. Our search reports also include recommendations on how to increase the chance of success for your trademark application.

Knowing the real chances your trademark has of being registered allows you to make better decisions. It is beneficial to know beforehand if it is worth proceeding with the trademark filing in the United Kingdom.

Having complete knowledge of the chances of registration may allow you to negotiate coexistent agreements beforehand. In some cases acquiring third parties trademarks or even rebranding may be necessary. In any case, information is crucial.

Process of Registering a Trademark in UK

The registration process in the United Kingdom is one of the fastest in the world. The average registration process takes approximately 3 months to complete. 

It is not necessary for trade marks to be used in the United Kingdom in order to file it. Use is not a requirement for a mark to be accepted and registered. Previous use of the trademark may be useful to overcome objections raised on the grounds of lack of distinctiveness. 

A trademark application in the United Kingdom will be examined by the Intellectual Property Office. During the examination process the office will carry out a UK IPO trademark search. Trademark objection may be received for reasons other than the existence of previous trademarks. If no objections are raised the application will be published in the United Kingdom trademark journal.

After a trademark is published there is a 2 month period for third parties to present opposition actions. The 2 month period for trademark opposition may be extended to 3 months.

Filing a trademark directly through the trademark office of the United Kingdom is not the only way to achieve trademark registration. Registration of a trademark may also be done through the international registration system. Use of the international trademark system is possible because the United Kingdom is a member state to the Madrid Protocol.

After a trademark is registered in the United Kingdom

Once the registration process is complete a trademark certificate will be issued. The trademark certificate for a trademark registration in the UK is digital.

Hard copies of the certificate of registration can be ordered but have additional costs.

If a trademark has not been used for 5 years after registration it may be subject to trademark cancellation actions.

A trademark is registered for an initial period of 10 years starting from the date of filing of the application. The trademark can be renewed for further periods of 10 years. The renewal request can be filed starting 6 months before the expiration date, and until 6 months after the expiration date. In case the renewal is filed after the expiration date, extra costs will apply.

If a trademark is not renewed before the period ending 6 months after its expiration period it will automatically lapse. If this happens in order to protect trademarks in UK new mark applications will need to be filed.

Registering a Three-dimensional (3D) Trademark in the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) recognizes three-dimensional (3D) trademarks, allowing businesses to protect distinctive product shapes or packaging. Key requirements for 3D trademark registration in the UK include distinctiveness and non-functionality. The shape must be capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of others. Applicants must provide clear graphical representations from various angles, typically six views showing all aspects of the mark. If the shape lacks inherent distinctiveness, evidence of acquired distinctiveness through use may be required. The UKIPO website ( offers detailed guidance on the application process.