Trademark Registration in Saint Helena

Protect your business by registering your brands officially with the local trademark office of Saint Helena. Once registered, you can enforce your legal rights over the trademark and prevent others from using it in Saint Helena.

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Trademark Search in Saint Helena unavailable.

Trademark searches in Saint Helena are currently unavailable. There are no databases of prior trademark publications in Saint Helena.
FromUS$ -

Trademark Registration in Saint Helena

Register your trademark in Saint Helena. Use our online form to place your order and have a local attorney file a trademark application in Saint Helena. Protecting your trademark starts here!
FromUS$ 1200

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Trademark Prices in Saint Helena

Search prices

Trademark searches in Saint Helena are not available as there are no databases of prior trademark publications in Saint Helena. We recommend conducting a trademark search in the United Kingdom.

Application prices

First class $1200 - Each additional class $400

How long does it take for a trademark to register in Saint Helena?

The average application process takes 4 months.

This is an estimated process time for straightforward cases based on current timeframes for applications. It may vary considerably.

What documents are needed to register a trademark in Saint Helena?

The original trademark certificate of the UK trademark that serves as basis for registration.

Why and How to Register a Trademark in Saint Helena

The Saint Helena Islands refer to the group of islands that form the British Overseas Territory known as Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha. This territory includes Saint Helena, Ascension Island, and Tristan da Cunha. Saint Helena is known for being the place of exile for Napoleon Bonaparte, Ascension Island is noted for its strategic military importance, and Tristan da Cunha is the most remote inhabited archipelago in the world.

These islands are not independent but are under the sovereignty of the United Kingdom with a degree of local governance.

To protect a trademark in Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha, a trademark must first be registered in the United Kingdom. Once the trademark is registered and valid in the UK, you can apply for its re-registration in Saint Helena. In other words, you may extend trademark protection of a trademark in the United Kingdom to cover Saint Helena. This process is conducted through the Registry of the Supreme Court. This ensures trademark protection in Saint Helena, providing a legal basis for exclusive rights over the trademark.

It is recommended to proceed with a trademark search before going for the application, in order to identify if prior conflicting trademarks exist. This helps to avoid potential legal disputes and ensures that your trademark is unique and can be registered without issues in Saint Helena.

The application includes submitting a copy of the UK trademark registration certificate. The Registry examines the application for compliance and potential conflicts, and if the application meets all requirements, it is published for opposition.

There is a period during which third parties can oppose the registration. If there are no oppositions or if oppositions are resolved in favor of the applicant, the trademark is registered in the territory, and the trademark owner receives a certificate of registration for Saint Helena, providing exclusive rights to use the trademark in relation to the goods or services for which it is registered.

The authority responsible for trademark registration in Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha is the Registry of the Supreme Court, which functions as the intellectual property office for the territory.

A trademark in Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha is registered for an initial period identical to the UK trademark that serves as basis for registration. It can be renewed indefinitely for further periods of 10 years each, provided the necessary renewal fees are paid and any required documentation is submitted. Before renewing a trademark for Sint Helena, the trademark needs to be renewed in the UK. This process ensures ongoing trademark protection in Saint Helena, maintaining the trademark's validity and enforceability within the territory.