Trademark Registration in the BES Islands

Protect your business by registering your brands officially with the local trademark office of the BES Islands. Once registered, you can enforce your legal rights over the trademark and prevent others from using it in the BES Islands.

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Experts agentsExperts agents
Transparent pricesTransparent prices

Trademark Search in the BES Islands

Carry out a pre registration trademark search before the trademark office of the BES Islands to determine the chances of registering your trademark in the BES Islands before filing the trademark application. Receive an expert's advice!
FromUS$ 100

Trademark Registration in the BES Islands

Register your trademark in the BES Islands. Use our online form to place your order and have a local attorney file a trademark application in the BES Islands. Protecting your trademark starts here!
FromUS$ 650

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Straightforward hassle free services. We strive to make it easy.

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Trademark Prices in the BES Islands

Search prices

First class $100 - Each additional class $100

Application prices

First class $650 - Each additional class $500

The price for the "First Class" includes 3 classes. The price for "additional class" applies starting with the 4th class.

How long does it take for a trademark to register in the BES Islands?

The average application process takes 4 months.

This is an estimated process time for straightforward cases based on current timeframes for applications. It may vary considerably.

What documents are needed to register a trademark in the BES Islands?

No documents are necessary.

Why and How to Register a Trademark in the BES Islands

The BES Islands, comprising Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba, are special municipalities of the Netherlands located in the Caribbean. They are not independent but are part of the country of the Netherlands.

Trademarks for the BES Islands are independent from trademarks registered for the Netherlands via the Benelux. However, they are registered through the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP), which is responsible for the registration and management of trademarks and designs in the Benelux region and the Caribbean Netherlands (BES Islands).

It is recommended to proceed with a trademark search before proceeding with an application, in order to identify if prior conflicting trademarks exist.

When filing a trademark for registration in the BES Islands, the trademark authority will examine the application to determine if the trademark application is in compliance with formal requirements and determine if possible conflict exists with priorly registered trademarks. If it meets all requirements, it is published in the official trademark register.

Although there are no opposition proceedings in which third parties can prevent the registration of the trademark, once registered cancellation actions may be presented based on relative or absolute grounds.

A registered trademark in BES Islands is valid for ten years from the date of registration. It can be renewed indefinitely for successive periods of ten years each, provided that the renewal is processed in time.