
The importance of your web domain in all aspects of your business

Domain name

One of the most important parts of your brand from an online marketing point of view is having a good domain for your website. And yet, there are still many people who do not understand exactly what it is or what it means to have your own domain.

How to Register your Blog Name


As time passes by, the internet has become more and more important in our lives. It has given us countless opportunities to reach an audience of millions. Today, if you are selling beauty products or pretty much any other product, you do not need a storefront to do so. You can just create a website and offer your goods and/or services to the public with just a click.

Should I Trademark My Business Name? (UK Guide)

Trademark registration in UK

Should I trademark my business name in the UK? In this guide, we are going to break down the potential benefits of trademarking your business name in the UK. The intricacies of international trademark registration can vary depending on the size of your business. This guide is for small business owners exploring trademark registration in the UK.

Trademark domain names - a necessary step to protect you business

Trademark domain name | iGerent

Trademarks serve to identify the product or service a company offers. Domain names are the web addresses that companies use for clients to access their web sites. With the exponential growth of ecommerce and online marketing, both are just as important for a company's value and survival. Not having both of those elements of the company assets properly protected may be devastating for a business.

Trademark Domain Names: When to Do It

Ideally trademark registration and domain name registration go hand in hand.

The importance of Trademarks for Football Clubs and Players

Soccer player

The vital role that law plays in football cannot be understated. We will shed light on the recent developments and disputes which illustrate the importance of sport trademarks and the role that the law plays towards increasing the game’s commercial profitability and the success of clubs.

We will also outline the challenges that participants face when they ignore an essential aspect of the business: brand protection.

What Can and Cannot be Trademarked?

What cannot be trademarked

There is often a lot of confusion and misinformation surrounding the topic of what can and what cannot be registered as trademarks.  

Now that your business is growing and your sales are improving tremendously, you believe that it is time to trademark your business name. Many people in the exact same position ask this question: “What can I trademark?”. They wonder about this because they are unsure as to whether it is possible to trademark a color, a common word, a symbol, or even their birth names.

We will provide some answers to this question in the following paragraphs.

Don’t Feed the Patent Trolls - Intellectual Property

Patent trolls

A new malicious practice had taken over and swept across several businesses worldwide. This trend seems to have started in the United States, but it has quickly spread and become a common practice among several criminal and fictitious organizations, whose sole purpose is to operate in gray areas to try to enforce patent rights over vaguely related products or ideas.

The Business Benefits of Registering Sound Trademarks

Sound Trademarks

Although sounds are included in the types of marks that can be registered, traditionally, trademarking sounds has been very difficult and sometimes burdensome for trademark agencies to protect. The first known record of a trademark of this kind is from the early 1970s, by the American news company NBCS. This company fought an uphill battle but successfully trademarked the sound that was played when switching through different segments of their radio recordings.